Watching old movies as a little girl I was captivated by silver screen stars like Grace Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, and Audrey Hepburn. Their elegance, confidence and beauty sparked my liking towards dressing in vintage styles with a modern twist.
In my mid-twenties I realized how much I loved vintage inspired style! This passion for fashion (sorry I had to ;D) has lead me to incorporate other influences of the modern vintage aesthetic into my everyday life.
My Modern Vintage Aesthetic
Getting to decorate was one of the things that most excited me about moving into my Upper West Side apartment. I love playing with both vintage & modern design elements to decorate my place. If I had to describe my unique modern vintage design style it would be Grandmillennial meets Hollywood Regency.
Blog Tips
My love for dressing vintage today lead me to start Thoroughly Modern Princess. I started Thoroughly Modern Princess to help others discover their own unique vintage inspired style. Nothing makes brings me more joy than knowing I’m helping people find more joy in their lives through fashion.
Since beginning my very own modern vintage fashion blog in 2020 I have learned a lot! At the start I relied a lot on articles published by other about their experiences, tips, and resources. I love sharing what I have learned along my journey.
Discovering my love for the modern vintage aesthetic not only helped me realize that I liked retro feminine styled clothing and interior design, but it helped me find myself. As I feel like most of us do, I have spent my twenties figuring out who I am. This identity discovery has helped me own my life with confidence. I created Thoroughly Modern Princess to be place where I share style advice AND thoughtful topics on owning your life.